Saturday, June 20, 2009

I made it!!!!

phew!!!  it has taken me over 2 months to get the courage to start my own blogopolis!!!  My palms are sweating so bad I can barely hold my Jamba Juice...I'm so nervous.  so all my peeps can start raising the rooooouuuuuufffffff!!!!!  
anywho, so I'm sitting in pysch class yesterday and my Fessor is droning on about egos and superegos, yadda yadda yadda.  So I'm thinking how the subject totally is not sinking in AT ALL!  Later that day I'm parusing the aisles at F21 and I have like a vw bug full of clothes in my arms, and I see a dozen or so employees, aka people that get paid $7.50 an hour to judge you while you walk around the store, see me struggling with my load and they just turn a blind eye.  Not one of them offered to start a room for me....what....the....crappola!!!!!   I seriously wanted to choke them with a buffalo plaid scarf!  Freud has nothing on these girls, there egos were trinormously bigger then his!  So I had a sit on the plastic orange sofa and I said, "self, who really has the superego here?"  and guess what the answer was?  ....earlier.  that's right, it was me. all. along.  

My parents should be happy to know that their money is being well spent on my education, because I'm getting it.  I'm getting it suckas!!!!